Privacy Statement GEMA Property Rate App


The Ga East Municipal Assembly of Ghana (GEMA), values privacy and transparency in handling personal data. This privacy statement informs you about the most important aspects of data processing in the context of the GEMA Property Rate App, in particular the extent of your consent in the handling of the data you provide and the possibility of the revocation of your consent.



Your personal data is collected from you personally.

Here, our processing of your data, in particular to provide GEMA Property App functionality, will only take place in accordance with the following declaration of consent:

“I agree that GEMA may process and use the data I provide for GEMA Property Rate App functionality only. I am aware that I can revoke this consent at any time.”

The basic information about the user

·        Full Name

·        Title

·        Cell phone number

·        E-mail address

·        Tin number

·        Postal address

·        Ownership reference to real estate property in the GA East municipal district

We will delete the user data upon request and notification, that you no longer use GEMA Property Rate App service.

We store the data on the GEMA servers and Amazon-Cloud. The Amazon-Cloud service is part of the “Amazon Web Services” (AWS) and is operated by Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL, 5 rue Plaetis, L-2338 Luxembourg. Amazon Web Services is part of the “Safe Harbor” program. You can find additional information under and


Payment card cardholder data

GEMA and the authorised software developer OeSD Int. are responsible for the security of your cardholder data when used within GEMA Property Rate App.
Cardholder data used within GEMA Property Rate App is limited to the PAN (Primary Account Number), Cardholder Name and Card Expiry Date.
We do not store cardholder data. GEMA Property Rate App is limited to transfer of cardholder data to the cardholder data environment in the context of settling property taxes only.


Log data

For technical reasons, log data is temporary stored at our servers (e.g. date and time of access). Neither GEMA nor OeSD Int. evaluates the log data.


Cookies, service analysis

This application does not use cookies. Neither GEMA nor OeSD Int. analyses the usage of individual services.


Your rights and option to revoke consent

Uninstalling the GEMA Property Rate App does not automatically delete the data provided. Your account data on the App remains available to GEMA but will be deleted upon your explicit request to do so.

For questions regarding the collection, processing or use of the data, information, correction, blocking or deletion of data and revocation of granted consent, please send an e-mail to using the subject “GEMA Property Rate App - privacy question”.